Domaine La Commanderie de Peyrassol. As if appearing from the middle of nowhere, the Commanderie de Peyrassol is like nothing you’ll have seen before. First of all, because it reveals itself like a well kept secret, at the end of a windy and bumpy road. Then, because the aura of the time of the Templars, founders of the place in the XIIIth century, still reigns there. Finally, because once it was taken over in 2001 by Philippe Austruy, an art connoisseur, the hamlet’s perfectly renovated buildings are surrounded by stunning contemporary works of art, signed by Arman, Cesar or Tapiès amongst others. To prolong the moment, a large table d’hôte is open during the summer, orchestrated by a young chef. RN7, 83 340 Flassans-Sur-Issole. Tel.: 04 94 69 71 02.
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